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Jobs That Will Lose In The Future

Along with the times, science and technology in the world is growing rapidly. The development of technology has changed many aspects of human life. Technology has the potential to take over jobs in various sectors of the field which will be replaced by robots and technology. The jobs include:

1.        Store Cashier 

2.        Secure Parking 

3.        Translators

4.        Librarians 

5.        Bank Teller


The development of technology has both positive and negative impacts on human life. So, we as humans must be selective in accepting these changes and prepare ourselves from the start.


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Company Profile Anagata Architecture

Hi, meet me again, this time I will share my process in designing my own company.   First, I started by creating my business name. Second, I created a tagline and company logo. Third, I determined the work team. Fourth, I created the company's mission statement. Fifth, I wrote the background of the company's journey. Sixth, I included sample products and product descriptions. Seventh, I made a price list of the services that my company offers. Eighth, I offered job vacancies for people who wanted to join the company as a drafter. Finally, I completed my company profile with a company teaser.   I am very happy if you see and are interested in my company. You can view my company profile at this link You can see my company teaser at this link Thank you

Mengolah Rasa Menggapai Asa : Obat Hati Generasi Masa Kini

Book Identity : Title                              : Mengolah Rasa Menggapai Asa : Obat Hati Generasi Masa Kini Author                          : Asrida Juliana             Publisher                      : PT Elex Media Komputindo Year Published              : 2017 Book Thickness            : 144 pages Book Dimensions         : 14 x 21 cm Book Price                ...